Saturday, June 8, 2019


oN thE gRouNd Is thE dEw of MoRNINg
My hEARt soNg hAs EvER gRowN fAIrt
but I CANNot look wIth All thIs MouRNINg
wIthout gods supREME lEAd I fAINt

oh I CANNot wAIt
I AM so sICk of hAtE
doNt lEt bE My fAIt

IN thE dAy I sEE lIght
IN thE nIght I losE sIght
I pRAy hEAr my plIght
I'vE lost All sIght IN sIght

oh I CANNot wAIt
I AM so sICk of hAtE
doNt lEt bE My fAIt

doNt lEt My plIght bE fIght
but gRANt ME sIght of flIght
so My hEARt wIll bE rIght

oh how I CANNot wAIt
I AM so uttERly sICk of hAtE
doNt lEt thIs bE My fAIt

IN thE sky Is thE dovE of All tRuE lovE
REst IN ME ANd lEAvE ME bE AbovE
kNow thAt I AM IN you AM All thAt Is lovE
foR tRuE lovE oNly CoMEs fRoM AbovE

Friday, June 7, 2019

Rest In Me

Standing at the opening of the dark precipice
Staring into the face of everything that says quit
I reach for the golden cord attached to life's lamp light
I pray to see the silver lining in the clouds of minds eyesight

Being of one accord body, heart, soul, and spirit shout
There is only one God and in that God I have not one doubt           
When the lies blast my heartsong and ever threaten to overcrowd
I will hasten my pace to the Lord's great footstool and I will call out

He is my holy righteous redeemer and in Him I am at complete rest
He is the Father of lights and by all rights He has called us out be separate
He is vested in our interests He holds the deeds He is the truth trust in our trusts
He has a hope chest for each of us full of all the things that a waiting wife holds dear

The Lord our God in heaven is sick of the sinful ways that run rampant in our souls
Unchecked sin is a barnacle on the heart that won't go away without complete healing
He wants our trust He wants to be our full hope He doesn't want us to think of ourselves
God wants us to take our love off the shelf wipe off the settled dust and oil it so it won't rust

He is calling out to you me and everyone He says don't be late what I have for you will not wait
His holy perfect timing and ultimate design are called into fruition for such a place as now and here
What God sets in place what He puts in motion will not be outdone and His word will not return void
God says I stand in the void I call out to all of creation I speak to doubt of all nations revenge is mine

He says I'm calling you out to have your own mind separate your thoughts from them they are not me
Focus your sight on the God who created you to be unique special one of a kind a to be distinctive
God never planned for us to be carbon copies mirroring our self images in others this is only failure
There is no hope in one another without Him look to Him first and don't falter when your friend sins

He God almighty has already won this fight it's up to us to join in and extinguish all sin from within
He has a personal plan for every life light under and over the sun His primary purpose to be fulfilled
His will will be done in His time wrap your hearts around the rhyme be the hearts of gold of all time
What He calls into fruition will never be quenched He will create a thirst in the sinners heart of hearts

He is God of all nations and tribes He does not lie cannot lie will not lie back and watch you just die
What would you have Him do just set back and watch you would you have Him fail would you refuse
The almighty warden of our imagioning He has always been there He is here and will be forevermore
God did not leave you He is waiting on you He will never forsake you He is not the God of confusion

You are in cold storage a moratorium of will and conscience waiting on us to just live and rest in Him
All the powers that be and everything that is vested in Him is roaring out like a ferocious deadly lion
Put away from you that sin from within it is not with me it is from without it's that that lives in doubt
When the seas rise covering your eyes and the lies terrorize your way of life there is nothing but fear

But with Him love is beckoned again so that you may see another day of truth joy and prosperity rise
So stand up today claim your stake in heaven for heavens sake avow profess protest this is a contest
We are all runners in His namesake it's a true test of true wills to see who will have the will of steel
Spin your love wheel today and live to see another day for all days and seek the God fountain of life

Put away your worry and your strife for He comes not with a meager knife but a mighty spirit sword
Let your soul soar with eagles over mountaintops treetops and stores shine your light for all to see Me
May your spirit be as happy and free as the day it was born when it had never before known forlorn
God is the healer of hearts He holds your in His outstretched hands with hole warming it forevermore

Let the gracious God who keeps you in His holy protective covering and under His wing not sigh
That's what He does when He hears you cry oh and that He definitely does do He wants only you
He want you to express your love for Him and all that is in Him to not look back to others for session
This has all been His big lesson there is a reason oh and a beautiful rhyme seeking each of us for time

He hold all clocks in His hand not one arm moves without His authority and power and ideal mind
What did you quit seeking what did you think to find were you thinking in your right right mind
Will you keep searching even though there's nothing there to find or will you change that mind
Stuck in your own mind is not fun selfishness will never win I am in the heart that is Mine

The battle is already won I am the Godhead three in one and I am calling out to my Son
Jesus knows the battle is won so does the enemy his days are numbered to count of one
You will see me coming soon on the rising moons of the sunset that is within the One
Pivot your eyes to Me and I will be your seas your reason and your one reason to be

For I alone am the One God and I am on the throne
I am Jesus the He in Me and We are mighty indeed
There is the power of three in this Me I have not left
And I will never let you just be just be in me and be free