Monday, May 20, 2019

Ember Rose

She rose with the dawn each morning
Looking for a signal or a sign
Something that would say it's going to be alright
Searching in the distance for a shining light
Gazing through the hazy firelight
Looking for the strength, the will to fight
Praying that what is inside does not die
What she would do to take back what went wrong
Seeking anything everything to soothe the deep aching inside
Trying to cover up the shame from the years of lies
Trying to seek some sort of refuge from the tears
Tears that could pour into rivers
Forsaking all once cared for
Throwing dreams into the deep murky waters of life
Seeking fortune and fame leaving no one left to blame
You just stand there taking the turbulent waves of distraction
Trying to gain a foothold, but finding none
When the wave comes don't hold your breath
breath in deep, let it go
When it is friend or foe you seek
its all in the keepers keep
watch what he does, watch what he designs
It will amaze you and will create in you something so real, so awake
It can never be fake, make your claim
Claim your stake, but to remember to always love others, for heaven's sake.


  1. David Blake Chege(poetizer)July 19, 2019 at 9:17 AM

    This is so powerful, It touched me deeply, keep the faith ,a blistering night a bright day my dear

    1. Thank You Mr. David Blake Charge (POETIZER) I appreciate that Blessing very much so it warms my ❤️
